Diabetes Awareness Week – Moira’s Story

Diabetes Awareness Week started on Sunday (12 June) so it’s the perfect time to talk about this life altering condition in Dumfries and Galloway.  This year the campaign aims to clear up some of the myths and misconceptions around diabetes by using patient stories to Set the Record Straight.


There are 3.5 million people diagnosed in the UK and a further 549,000 who have the condition but don’t yet know it so most of us know a friend or family member living with diabetes.


Moira Pearson from the Lockerbie area has lived with Type 1 diabetes for 50 years and it’s had a profound effect on every aspect of her life.  She kindly agreed to share her story to help people understand more about living with such a difficult condition.


Moira said:  “I was diagnosed in 1966 when I was five and a half years old and at that time there was no history in my family.  The doctor who diagnosed me was Dr Longmore from Lockerbie and he said he hardly ever saw anyone with diabetes.


“I have Type 1 diabetes which means my pancreas does not produce insulin so it has to be injected.   Insulin can’t be given as a tablet because it would be broken down in the stomach.  Insulin is important because it controls the levels of sugar in the blood. If diabetes isn’t treated properly it can cause a number of different health problems.


“I don’t remember getting injections as a child but I think they must have been very traumatic.  My mum had to inject me with old-fashioned syringes made from metal and glass.  They had to be sterilised and the needles would get blunt over time.


“When I was young there was no real education or support but that’s mostly because nobody really knew very much about diabetes.  I do remember going to diabetes holiday camps and I learned to inject myself at one of those when I was about 11.


“These days we know far more about diabetes and how to manage the condition better.  I did the DAFNE education programme 2013 and although I learned a lot I also found it quite upsetting because it showed me the kind of support I never had as a child.”


Unfortunately years of injecting insulin caused serious side effects for Moira who developed lumpy areas around the injection sites.  This meant that the insulin was not absorbed properly and her blood sugar was often unstable resulting in many hypoglycaemic (low blood sugar) episodes every week.  Moira was losing the ability to recognise these episodes and this had a serious affect on her.  Her husband was worried about leaving her alone and she had to give up work in order to protect her health.


Moira was given an insulin pump 2004 but the damage done by the injections meant that this was not as effective as it could have been.  In 2012 she was assessed and accepted for islet cell transplantation.  This involves extracting islet cells from the pancreases of up to three deceased donors and injecting them into the liver of the person with Type 1 diabetes.  Moira had her transplants in February and August last year and they have had a positive impact on her life.


Consultant in Diabetes, Dr Fiona Green, has worked with Moira for many years and saw her through the period of her transplants.


Dr Green said:  “It’s important to note that islet cell transplantation is not a cure but it can reduce the risk of severe hypos, help with blood glucose stability and improve the person’s quality of life by helping them to manage their condition.  Not all people with diabetes are suitable for this procedure and it is only carried out when we have tried every other option.


“Moira is an excellent example of someone who would benefit from islet cell transplantation.  She looked after her diet, kept fit and attended clinics regularly but still had serious problems associated with diabetes.


“As with every other transplant Moira has to take drugs to ensure that her body does not reject the islet cells and she still has to take insulin but that should be easier to manage.”


Moira added:  “The transplant team in Edinburgh and Dr Green and her team have been wonderful over the years.  I had a number of health issues after the transplant but everything has settled down now and it has made an amazing difference.”


PHOTO SHOWS:  (left to right) Moira Pearson and Dr Fiona Green with the flowers Moira gave to Dr Green to thank her for her support.

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