
Distinguished Service Awards For MMRT Members Gary & Colin

This weekend saw two of Moffat MRT’s team members attend the Scottish Mountain Rescue AGM at Glenmore Lodge where they were both presented with Distinguished Service Awards.
Gary Tait joined the team in the early 1970s when he was still in his teens. Now with over 50 years of continued service to Moffat MRT, Garry has seen the team through both the best and most deeply challenging times and the depth of his local knowledge and history is a continuing asset to which the team relies on. In his long-term role of Events Officer to the team Garry’s ambassadorial role has stood the team in good stead, enabling valuable funds to be gained consistently throughout his tenure, and fostering close relationships with many organisations but most notably with St John Scotland. In addition to this, he served a 5-year tenure as team Chairman and whilst he stood down from this role in April, he continues to be an active team member contributing widely in all aspects of team business
Colin Mitchel has been involved with Moffat MRT for over 40 years. Colin became Deputy Team Leader in 1986 and soon after led the team through the initial stages of the Lockerbie Disaster in 1988. Colin remained Deputy Team Leader through to 2002 helping bring many young team members onto the callout list and working with the team leader to improve the teams’ capability and presence in the local community. In 2002 Colin became team leader for four years and led the team through a period of change including taking on a permanent base, increasing the number of team vehicles and a change to the teams’ constitution. Colin has also held the post of team secretary and is still an active team member and casualty carer.
Moffat MRT are very grateful for the time and dedication of Gary and Colin over the years and hope they enjoyed their trip to receive their well-deserved awards!

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