Doctors Graduate Early To Support Dumfries & Galloway NHS In COVID Challenge

A group of doctors who have graduated early to help the NHS meet the challenge of the coronavirus arrived in the region last week.


Anne-Marie Coxon is manager of the Education Centre in Dumfries and Galloway Royal Infirmary. She said: “These FiY1 doctors are final year medical students who volunteered to graduate early so they can assist with the COVID-19 response.


“We have nine FiY1 doctors with us at the moment and there are another four due to arrive within the next couple of weeks. The doctors are working across medicine, surgery, the Emergency Department and the Critical Care Unit.


“Six of the FiY1s with us at the moment will be staying on from August to complete their foundation training with NHS Dumfries and Galloway.”


NHS Dumfries and Galloway Chief Executive Jeff Ace has welcomed the arrival of the interim FY1 doctors in the region.


Mr Ace said: “We very much welcome the arrival of these doctors, who have opted to graduate early so that they can help us address the challenges posed by COVID-19.


“Containment efforts have meant that we weren’t overwhelmed by the coronavirus in its first wave. However, we recognise that this is a challenge we’re going to have to live with over the coming months. The addition of these enthusiastic new interim FY1 doctors to our workforce is a fantastic boost, and very much appreciated.”





The interim FY1 doctors in the Education Centre at DGRI

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