Don’t Miss Out On Winter Boosters 

WINTER COVID-19 and flu booster vaccinations are still available from NHS Dumfries and Galloway – but the offer only lasts until 31 March.  


Free COVID-19 and flu booster vaccinations have been provided over the winter, as part of a national push to reduce the risk of COVID-19 and flu and help reduce hospital admissions. However, the winter vaccination programme finishes at the end of March.


NHS Dumfries and Galloway Director of Public Health Valerie White said: “COVID and flu remain an ongoing concern both locally and nationally, and we have seen some of the worst effects these viruses can have.
“It’s therefore very important that everyone understands that COVID-19 and flu booster vaccinations are still available within our region.
“However, this opportunity comes to an end on March 31, and these vaccinations can only be secured by phoning the local helpline on 01387 403090.
“Drop-in clinics are not running at this point, with access to a COVID or flu booster vaccinations by appointment only – so please do give us a call.
“Getting fully vaccinated against COVID-19 significantly reduces the danger of becoming seriously ill from the coronavirus. But the protection that the COVID-19 vaccine provides will decrease over time – unless you receive a booster.
“Winter flu vaccines are designed to target the most common varieties of flu each winter, and they will help reduce the chance of catching flu as well as reducing the risk of serious illness.
“Both COVID-19 and flu are potentially serious illnesses, especially for older people or people who have other health conditions that make them particularly vulnerable. Vaccination helps reduce the risk of serious illness, and also reduces the chance of passing an infection on to a more vulnerable person such as a friend or family member.”

Until 31 March, anyone eligible can book a COVID-19 booster or flu vaccination by calling the local vaccine helpline on 01387 403090.


Anyone who has not had all the COVID vaccinations they are entitled to can catch up by booking their appointment in the same way.


There are no drop-in vaccination clinics in Dumfries and Galloway, so it is important to book an appointment first by calling the number 01387 403090.


For full information, visit

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