Dumfries Academy Pupils & Teachers Create COVID-19 Video – I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles)

Dumfries Academy Teacher Mr Belford contacted DGWGO today (April 3rd,2020) To let us see a video themed on The Proclaimers Song ‘500 Miles’ that his fellow teachers, pupils and willing parents from the school have managed to create whilst they are all at their own homes during the COVID-19 lockdown. 

Mr Belford told DGWGO “The idea for the song came about two weeks ago when myself (Mr Belford – a teacher at Dumfries Academy) and Mrs Murray (also a teacher at Dumfries Academy) were pondering how we could keep up the morale of the school community.
I have previous history of putting together Christmas songs but haven’t done one for a few years. I agreed to do one more video as I am moving to another school next month.
Everybody in the video (staff, pupils and parents) filmed themselves over the last week either at home or doing their one daily form of exercise. Mrs Murray kept everyone on task. I put together the video.”

We Hope You all Enjoy –


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