Dumfries And Galloway Community & Customer Services Business Plan Approved


Members of the Dumfries and Galloway  Council’s Community and Customer Services Committee today approved the Business Plan for the service.
Members heard that of the 61 key performance indicators contained within the business plan, over 72% of activities are on track.

The plan also details that the department is delivering or has delivered 37 key projects, with only 2 of these not meeting their target date. Some of the key projects that the department has delivered in the past 12 months include;
• Dock Park Development
• Legacy 2014 (including the Queen’s Baton Relay)
• The Commonwealth Youth Summit
The committee also heard that the delivery of objectives in relation to community safety, partnership working and health and wellbeing were also progressing well. The committee report presented to members detailed the Council’s commitment to improving on areas that were not on track, and provided an honest picture of where the service is placed in terms of performance.
Tom McAughtrie, who is Chair of the Community and Customer Services Committee welcomed the approval of the business plan.

He said after the meeting;
“I am pleased members agreed the business plan. The plan pulls together all the work that the service contributes to the wider council, and to our communities. The department has done some sterling work in the past year, with major successes like the Dock Park development and the various strands of work around the Commonwealth Games last summer. The agreed business plan holds all the key performance information in the one place, and lets our public see how the department in performing in an easy to understand format.”
The Committee report can be viewed at; http://egenda.dumgal.gov.uk/aksdumgal/users/public/admin/kab14.pl?operation=SUBMIT&meet=12&cmte=CCS&grpid=public&arc=71

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