Dumfries and Galloway Council and D&G Youth Council Hold Joint Meeting

Dumfries and Galloway Council held the third annual joint meeting with Dumfries and Galloway’s Youth Council on Thursday 3 November at The Bridge in Dumfries.
The meeting brought together Elected Members, Elected Youth Councillors and Members of the Scottish Youth Parliament from across every community in the region to develop actions that will improve opportunities for young people.
Members were divided across three groups themed around the Council’s main service committees:
• Economy and Resources
• Education, Skills and Learning
• Communities
In total, eight actions were proposed and agreed by both organisations and a report on the progress of these will go to Full Council in 2023. The actions agreed were:
1. Automatic enrolment for young people to receive their Under 22 free bus travel card through schools (with parent or guardian permission)
2. Create a taster card for young people aged 12-18 that enables them to access 6 or 12 free leisure sessions per year (gym, swim, skate, coaching etc.) for free.
3. Trial a late-night opening for library facilities for students studying for exams between March and June 2023. If successful, look to expand this year-round.

1. A campaign aimed at Under 16’s related to their employment rights, and what to expect from a workplace.
2. Wi-fi being available in all Council facilities including town halls, libraries and public offices.
3. Create dedicated youth spaces within existing Council buildings in Stewartry and Mid and Upper Nithsdale.

1. Schools staff to undertake the SAMH ‘We All Have Mental Health: an introduction for teachers’ training.
2. Review all secondary schools to address accessibility barriers that exist for students in wheelchairs or crutches where there is limited access for students to common areas and upper floors. It was agreed to include all schools in the review, as opposed to the limited number highlighted within discussion.

In addition to the creation of a Joint Action Plan, the meeting also included a presentation by Dumfries and Galloway Youth Council on the work undertaken since their election in November 2021, and the agreement of Dumfries and Galloway Council’s new Youth Participation and Engagement Strategy. The Strategy outlines a clear approach to youth democracy in Dumfries and Galloway and includes renewed commitments to the existing structures that support young people to have their say through the Youth Council and Champions Board project.

Speaking of the meeting, Cllr Stephen Thompson and Cllr Linda Dorward, Co-Leaders of Dumfries and Galloway Council, stated:
“We are delighted with the outcome of this year’s Joint Meeting which marks the first time that new Members of both the Council and Youth Council have come together since their election in November 2021 and May 2022 respectively. In Dumfries and Galloway, we are committed to listening to and talking with our young people, and acting on these views where possible.”
The Chair and Vice Chair of Dumfries & Galloway’s Youth Council, Elli Wadsworth and Cameron Greer added:
“The joint meeting was a productive and positive space for both Elected Members and Youth Council Members to discuss the things impacting young people across Dumfries & Galloway, from wi-fi in Council buildings to training available to staff in schools and young people’s access to community facilities – there was a wide range of issues considered and solutions identified.”

The audio recording of the meeting has been uploaded to Dumfries and Galloway Councils YouTube page and a minute of the meeting can be found on the Councils website.
For more information about the Youth Council, you can e-mail [email protected], or search for us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter @YouthCouncilDG

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