At next week’s Economy, Environment and Infrastructure Committee, Councillors will be asked to agree Dumfries and Galloway’s Regional Economic Strategy (RES) 2015-2020.

The strategy has three main aims:

-We will have the highest youth employment rate in Scotland by 2020.
-Business growth in the region has grown faster than in Scotland as a whole between 2015 and 2020
-We will reduce the wages gap between the regional and national average by 20%.

The RES isn’t intended to be a complete list of all economic development activity taking place in Dumfries and Galloway, it focuses on key actions that have the potential to deliver the greatest impact for the regional economy.

The M74 corridor features in the strategy as a key investment area to help boost the regional economy. Stranraer Waterfront is also mentioned in relation to regeneration programmes for the East Pier and Marina. In Dumfries the Crichton 2020+ business plan is covered which will promote the Crichton as a beacon for knowledge and innovation.

Cllr Colin Smyth, Chairman of the Economy, Environment and Infrastructure Committee said;

“This regional economic strategy is owned by the region and has been developed with the aid and support of communities and stakeholder groups throughout the region. It is clear to me that this overarching economic vision is needed to pull all the potential projects together to maximise public and private sector investment.”

The Dumfries and Galloway Economic Leadership Group will oversee the successful delivery of the plan and will inspire business and public sector leaders to deliver actions to benefit the region.

Please see the attached link to next week’s EEI Committee papers;

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