Team #DGWGO want to help our friends at   ‘Dumfries & Galloway Life’- the region’s favourite, award-winning magazine – win the Scottish Magazine Awards People’s Vote.
This is a special new category at this year’s awards, which take place in Edinburgh on December 16.
You can help us by tweeting a picture of Dumfries & Galloway Life with the hashtag ‪#‎SMAPeoplesVote‬, including any additional glowing words about why you love the best glossy  magazine in D&G.

The winner will be the magazine with the most original tweets (i.e. not re-tweets or favourites)…
We’re sure there are some inspiring and original photo opportunities that you could take of yourself with the magazine in an amazing D&G setting, or anywhere in the world that this much-loved magazine is read.
Dumfries & Galloway Life was launched in September 2006 and has become an “institution”, holding up a mirror to all that is good about the region and flying the flag for D&G all over the world and we have been proud to work alongside them over the years since DGWGO was started back in 2011.

1 a 1 a thistle awards 1Scottish Thistle ‘Regional Ambassador for Central and South West Scotland’ Award Winner ‘RB’ Founder of DGWGO Said” D&G Life Magazine is truly amazing, not only do they bring a massive amount of attention to all that is wonderful about our region, but they support every possible charity and event locally that they can, and they also hold their very own glamorous  awards ceremony each year, to help bring attention to all of the regions amazing people that do great work in many different fields, but together make our region something special. I so hope everyone with a twitter account gets tweeting and helps D&G Life win a very much deserved award.”
The bumper 164-page December issue, number 98, is on sale now, and look out for our special 100th March edition, on sale mid-February.

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