Dumfries & Galloway Volunteers Go Above And Beyond The Call Of Duty

Megan Blackhouse from Moffat Academy has been named ‘Young Volunteer 2015’ at a special awards ceremony organised by Third Sector, Dumfries and Galloway. The ceremony saw nine other volunteers nominated from 10 categories, receive accolades for their outstanding commitment and contribution to volunteering.

The awards ceremony was the highlight of a two-part Volunteers’ Conference held at the Easterbrook Hall in Dumfries on 4 June 2015, to mark volunteers’ week which run from 1-7th June 2015.
A total of 106 delegates attended the morning session and 213 people were present at the Volunteer Awards Ceremony in the evening.

The conference, dubbed ‘Inspire, Motivate and Flourish,’ was organised to recognise, reward and celebrate the invaluable contribution of volunteers and volunteer involving organisations and the significant impact of their work in the local community.

106 delegates attended the main conference during which a series of interactive workshops took place:

• Leadership in Volunteering (20 delegates)
• Volunteer Management (23 delegates)
• Measuring the Impact of Volunteering (21 delegates)
• Your Volunteering Experience (21 delegates)
• Third Sector Dumfries and Galloway (21 delegates)

Volunteer Awards Ceremony:
Volunteers are the heart of the third sector and without them, the third sector would simply not exist. A special awards ceremony honoured and celebrated the achievements and contributions of individual volunteers and volunteer involving organisations from a variety of backgrounds. The total number of attendees at the awards ceremony was 213 – 79 individuals and 134 volunteer involving organisations.

A total of 109 nominations were received prior to the conference for the10 categories listed below:


Category and Winner                                                                                                                 Sponsor and Presenter
1. Young Volunteer 2015 – Megan Backhouse   (Moffat Academy)                               Holywood Trust Karen Ward-Boyd
2. Adult Volunteer 2015 – Graham Smith (Sports Driving Unlimited)                      Dumfries and Galloway Timebanking Network Penny Nowell
3. Board Member 2015 – Shaun Dodds (Stranraer Furniture Project)                       Solway Print Matthew Ronnie
4. Long Service to Volunteering 2015 – Bill Brack (Food Train Friends)                   Dumfries and Galloway Life Andrea Thompson
5. Children and Young People Organisation 2015 –

(Dumfries and Galloway Multicultural Association Youth Group)                           West Sound Radio Claire Telfer
6. Older and Vulnerable People Organisation 2015 –

(Dumfries and Galloway Hard of Hearing)                                                                  Engaging the Third Sector with Reshaping Care Project David Beasdale (Board member Third Sector, Dumfries and Galloway)
7. Community Growth and Resilience Organisation 2015

(Summerhill Community Centre Association)                                                          Dumfries and Galloway Chamber of Commerce Lee Medd
8. Environment Organisation 2015 – Auchencairn Link Park                               Burns Development Trust – Billy Burns Jennifer Wilson (Board member Third  sector                                                                                                                                 Dumfries and Galloway
9. Volunteer of the Year 2015 – Shiela Lowrie

(Home Start Wigtownshire)                                                                                            Third Sector Dumfries and Galloway Gordon Mann
10. Volunteer Involving Organisation of the year 2015 –

The Furniture Project (Stranraer)                                                                                  Third Sector Dumfries and Galloway Gordon Mann