A quick interview with local band – Sticks and Stones

cover photo credit: Grania McLaughlin

In August of last year DGWGO featured Dumfries band Sticks And Stones as they signed to local label Distilled Records, here we catch up with them to find out what they’ve been up to since then and what their plans are for 2014…

DGWGO hear you’re playing the Venue in Dumfries on Feb 6th with Fatherson, That’s a great gig to get how did that come about?

Yeah, we are really excited to play with Fatherson. they are definitely one of our favourite bands, even in one of the promo photos on our Facebook page Aiden (lead singer) is wearing a Fatherson T Shirt. We’ve seen them a few times and every single time they get better, so its a great opportunity for us.

You signed to Distilled Records in 2013 are there plans for you to start recording soon? Do you have a studio in mind?

Yeah we do have plans to start recording soon, however we don’t know what will come of it. An EP or a single or an Album.

Whatever it is, it will be our first release since we came together in May 2012, so we are very excited. We are booked into Unit 7 Studio in Bladnoch, our label manager got us in to do a gig there late last year so we could get a feel for the place, we met the team down there and everyone is ready to go…

You recently played in Manchester how did that come about? Were you well received? How did a Manchester audience differ from a Dumfries one?

We played the Peach Got Bones album launch of Mano Maclughin, another guy on Distilled Records. We think we went down pretty well.

It really weird for us in that we normally play to a room of people we know, but in Manchester we really knew no one, so it was strange but great. This year we hope to travel more after a slight break for exams and stuff.

Are there any local bands besides yourselves that you think people locally should be watching out for?

We are big fans of Smoke Stack who play Blusey tunes, they are a great band and great people. They are playing loads of gigs in Dumfries at the moment so people should really be able to go see them anytime they want. Obviously I’m a huge fan of Finding Albert, which is convenient because they are right on our doorstep. We had the pleasure of supporting them last year and it was a great gig. Apparently they have huge plans for 2014 so I am really excited….

DGWGO also got to speak to Distilled Records manager David Oldham who heaped praise upon the labels latest signings… “we took Sticks And Stones to Manchester with us because of the amazing feedback we were getting for the band locally. Not only was the audience not there’s but they were first on the bill and STILL managed to totally win over the crowd, we were just blown away by the reaction…”

Sticks And Stones plan to release there as yet untitled debut LP later this year as well as playing as many of the summer festivals they can.

Fatherson with guests Sticks And Stones at the Venue, Dumfries Thursday 6th February – buy tickets here

Sticks And Stones Facebook

Fatherson Official Website 

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