Dumfries Christmas Switch On ‘Lights Up The Town’

The Dumfries Christmas Lights Switch On was held on Monday 30 November.

A large crowd gathered for the big countdown at 6pm, with people getting into the festive spirit in the town centre. Bank Street was transformed into a street of stalls, with over a dozen local businesses taking up residence for the day selling various food, arts, crafts and festive gifts. There were also some fairground rides in Bank Street to keep the schoolchildren entertained, who were enjoying their St Andrew’s Day holiday.

The Ice Rink, Santa’s Grotto and Disco Dome in Queensberry Square also attracted a fair footfall throughout the day, with everyone in the square walking (or skating) around with a smile on their face as a back catalogue of Christmas hits pumped round the town centre. There were also animated characters from films such as Frozen and Minions to interact with the crowds throughout the day, as well as the odd stilt performer, who could be seen soaring above revellers.

The On-Stage entertainment, organised by the Council’s Community Learning and Development Service kick off with some sing-along fun with the Disney characters. There were appearances from local acts Kate Kyle, Charlie Porter, Emily McLatchie and Daz McCormick, as well as a panto performance by the Theatre royal Panto Group and the Oasis Vocal Group. Those who stayed in town to grab some bargains after the Switch On were treated to a superb performance by the Dumfries Baptist Church. Crowds gathered at The Plainstanes throughout the event and every act who appeared on-stage was given a superb reception from the Dumfries public.

1 a 1 a winners
Lexie Smith – Debbie Turner – Ted Thompson – Ashley Gemmell

The Lights were switched on by the school Christmas light design winners alongside Provost of Dumfries Ted Thompson. The new light designs of the primary school children from Nithsdale were illuminated at 6pm. This year’s winners of the school lights competition were;

P1-3 Lexie Smith (Laurieknowe Primary)
P4-5 Ashley Gemmell (Troqueer Primary)
P6-7 Debbie Turner (St Andrew’s Primary)

Chairman of Nithsdale Area Committee and Provost of Dumfries, Councillor Ted Thompson said after the Switch On;

“I was so pleased with the turnout at this year’s event and to see the people of Dumfries come out and support the Switch On. The on-stage entertainment provided a varied and enjoyable build up to the lights going on, and the off-stage entertainment this year was top class. It was wonderful to see as many children wandering around with their faces painted, interacting with one another and singing along with the Disney characters.

I would like to congratulate the three young ladies who won the Christmas Lights competition this year. The designs were excellent and are a great addition to our Christmas Lights.

None of this would be possible without the efforts of the volunteers who gave up their time to make this a success and I would like to thank them for this.

The Christmas Market in Bank Street was also very popular – I think the wonderful smells of mulled wine, popcorn and pizza were drawing the crowds in! Our Council continues to deliver a top class event with our Christmas Lights Switch On. The variety of activities that were available, featuring local talent throughout the day, were second to none, and all those who took part in the event should be very proud of themselves.”

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