Two seasoned Dumfries criminals were sentenced yesterday at the Glasgow High Court.


George Dempster, 63 years, received 7 years and Robert Beauly, 48 years, received 8 years for drugs supply offences totalling £310,000


The arrests were part of an intelligence led operation codenamed Operation Scribble which focused on the drug dealing activities of a serious an organised crime group ran by Dempster and Beauly. 


Following a seven week operation by the Organised Crime Unit, the pair were stopped in a vehicle on the A75 near Gretna on 22 August 2012, and found to be in possession of around three kilos of a recognised mixing agent for heroin.  Following on from this, a further one kilo of mixing agent for cocaine was recovered at an address in Dumfries linked to the pair.  Evidence gathered by the investigative team proved that this powder was to be used to mix with heroin and cocaine in order to maximise the profits made by Dempster and Beauly.


1 a 1 a crime boss 2Both men have had an extensive criminal past and have been involved in drugs supply in Dumfries and Galloway for a number of years, with numerous previous offences.1 a 1 a crime boss


Speaking after sentencing Detective Inspector Mark Carruthers from the Organised Crime Unit within Dumfries and Galloway Division of Police Scotland said: “The latest sentences send out a strong message to those involved in drug supply that the police, the judicial system and the community will not stand for it.


“Serious and Organised Crime has no place in Dumfries and Galloway and this is another example of our continued efforts in tackling the most serious offenders throughout the region. 


“No matter how high up the food chain a criminal is, they are not immune to the law and face the same consequences as anybody else. If you are involved in the supply of drugs in this region, we will target you.


“Both these individuals committed their illicit dealings in the local communities they resided in. They were at the top of our local organised crime groups who were supplying large amounts of illegal drugs into the area. While the removal of these two men off the streets severely disrupts organised crime in the area, we will be resolute in our efforts and monitor the situation carefully to ensure no one is tempted to take their place.


“Operations like this would not be possible without the assistance of the public and the information they can pass onto us.  After we analyse the information they pass, we can act and target those who quite clearly are involved in this type of crime.


“In order to assist us in this regard, I would urge members of the community to report any instances of suspected drug crime or serious crime to contact us on 101.”