Identifying a suitable site for Stranraer sports centre
At today’s Economy, Environment and Infrastructure Committee Councillors agreed to continue to support investigations for a new Wigtownshire Community Sports Centre sited in Stranraer. The new facility would provide additional activities that are not currently catered for in the area, namely an indoor bowling facility, ten pin bowling alleys, laser quest, café’ and a multi – purpose function room.
Council officers have been working with the sports centre committee, which is made up of members of the public from the local community, to develop a business plan which is now complete, but the next task is to identify a suitable location for the centre.
Several sites have been suggested, including the East Pier and Port Rodie Frontage. However Stena Line and the Council are still receiving tenders from organisations interested in developing the site so the suitability of a sports centre at this location cannot be determined at present and further consideration would need to be given when detailed proposals for the area come forward in discussions with developers.
At Wigtown Area Committee Councillors suggested two sites for consideration; land adjacent to Agnew Park Pavilion and the former Marine Lake area.
Agnew Park is recognised as a key asset for the wider waterfront regeneration and our Council has earmarked £410,000 to upgrade the pavilion and provide new play and events equipment.
At today’s committee meeting, it was agreed that Council officers should investigate the Agnew Park option to see if the sports centre could link with these planned improvements. However, it was recognised by Councillors that the Agnew Park site could prove problematic as it will raise planning issues and could impact on the park’s ability to hold larger events.
Another potential problem, is that Scottish Water has introduced water and sewage pipework under part of the land which could accommodate the new sports centre, so the site would need further investigation to determine its suitability.
The Marine Lake site has already been earmarked for development as a hard standing storage area for boats, linked to the introduction of a new pubic slipway, so there would not be enough space for the sports centre.
It is estimated that between 1.5 and 2 acres of land would be needed for the sports centre and it was agreed that the Community and Customer Services Committee will make a final recommendations once further investigations have been carried out on other possible sites.
Cllr Colin Smyth Chairman of the Economy, Environment and Infrastructure Committee said:
“Councillors agreed that such a development would be positive for the area. As a result it was agreed we will continue to support this initiative and work closely with the sports centre committee and the local community to find a suitable site, with a range of possible options being investigated. Clearly , the success of such a project will require a robust business plan and funding, but one way the Council can help is through helping find an appropriate location.”