Councillors reinforced their support to the Kirkcudbright Charter

At today’s meeting of Policy and Resources committee (16 September), Councillors reinforced their support to the Kirkcudbright Charter.

The Kirkcudbright Charter guarantees the future use of the community buildings within the town and addressing community needs. Included within the Charter is an ambitious plan that Kirkcudbright Town Hall be converted to an art gallery of national significance.

At the meeting of Policy and Resources committee in November 2013, Councillors agreed to support an allocation of up to £615K, including ring-fenced capital receipts, for the Art Gallery. Consequently, a Stage 1 Lottery Fund Application was submitted by the Council. This bid was successful and the Heritage Lottery Fund gave initial support for a £934,900 bid with an initial development grant of £34,000.
Further discussions have taken place with the Heritage Lottery Fund. They have indicated that, in order for the Stage 2 bid to be successful, the Council will require to meet additional costs amounting to £270,000. While the Heritage Lottery Fund grant will secure the operation of the building for 3 years, there will be an ongoing revenue cost to the Council of £27,000 per annum.

The Policy and Resources committee agreed to provide this funding to enable the Kirkcudbright Charter to be taken forward.
Councillors were also informed at the committee that officers are continuing to work with other external funding partners in order to secure additional external funding towards the additional costs of around £270,000.

Chair of the Policy and Resources committee, Cllr Ronnie Nicholson, said “The current Administration of our Council has always been very supportive of the principles behind the Kirkcudbright Charter. The Charter addresses the future of some very important legacy buildings in Kirkcudbright and is very much community driven. The Heritage Lottery Fund has told us that they are impressed with the potential of the building and the overall scope of the Kirkcudbright Charter project. However, to ensure that the Stage 2 Heritage Lottery application and award is successful, they have identified two areas where they require further resources are required. Councillors agreed to that funding and affirmed their commitment to this project. We look forward to seeing the development project develop so that it delivers for local community and visitors to Kirkcudbright.”

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