Consultation on the Dumfries and Galloway Draft Autism Strategy 2014-2017

Dumfries and Galloway Council is conducting a consultation based on the five priority areas identified by a recent draft strategy. This will help in the provision of care and support for people affected by autism.

The consultation relates to a recent draft autism strategy created by the Dumfries and Galloway Autism Strategy Group whose research identified the five key areas which need to be improved.

The consultation primarily targets the individuals and families affected by autism and the care services and organisations involved in working with autism. It also hopes to reach the wider general public in order to further raise awareness of the condition.

The survey will be available at www.dumgal.gov.uk/consultations from 3 October 2014 and will run until 7 November 2014. Or, you can receive a hard copy of the survey by contacting St Teresa’s Education Centre, Dumfries at 01387 273950

The results from the consultation will be passed on to the Dumfries and Galloway Autism Strategy Group, which will use this information to finalise the draft strategy. Results will also be published on www.dumgal.gov.uk

For more information on the Draft Autism Strategy and the five priorities follow this link. For more information on the work being done by the Scottish Strategy for Autism go to www.autismstrategyscotland.org.uk

Councillor Jeff Leaver, chairman of the Education Services Committee, said “Protecting the most vulnerable is one of four priorities for our council. We must provide support and resources to enable vulnerable people to live healthy, independent lives. This strategy will assist us to achieve this.

Dumfries and Galloway Council is committed to improving the lives of people with autism and their families, and ensuring that our care services are better equipped to help people with autism. Raising awareness about autism will enable the draft strategy and the council to make significant progress towards this.”

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