Dumfries & Galloway MP Russell Brown has assisted during 2014 in raising almost £70,000 along with his colleagues in the UK Parliamentary Football Club. Throughout the year, along with the assistance of the Football Association, they took part in a number of matches to support the club’s chosen charities. The final charity figure was announced at the end of year awards evening held in Westminster.

Dumfries & Galloway MP Russell Brown said:

“At the beginning of 2014, we selected three charities that we wished to support over the coming years and at that time we chose Cystic Fibrosis Trust, Prostate Cancer UK and Women’s Aid. In working alongside the charities, a number of matches were arranged at various grounds ranging from community playing fields all the way through to premiership clubs and we are indebted to the F.A. for their assistance and support. Thanks are also due to the various celebrities from the world of sport, entertainment and journalism who also give up their time for such great causes.

“In the charity match for the Cystic Fibrosis Trust, there was even a young man, who is a cystic fibrosis sufferer, who managed to play for part of the match and his family were there to support him throughout, which was absolutely fantastic to see. In the match for Prostate Cancer UK, one of the players was actually recovering from prostate cancer and a number of the celebrities who took part either had family members or friends who were recovering from or living with the condition.”

At the end of the evening, the retired football manager, Lawrie McMenemy, presented the annual awards and he presented Russell with the Players’ Player of the Year. Russell commented, “It just shows how bad the rest are!”

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