Galloway and West Dumfries MSP Alex Fergusson has asked the Cabinet Secretary for Culture to intervene and ensure that National Museums Scotland upholds its commitment to lend an item or items, of substantial historic interest, to the Whithorn Trust to display each year. Speaking after contacting the Cabinet Secretary, Mr Fergusson said:-

“The finest item to be excavated at Whithorn has to be the Whithorn Crozier – discovered in 1957 and dating back to the 12th century. Although there are many who believe that the Crozier should be permanently housed in Whithorn, and I am one of them, it is kept in the National Museum in Edinburgh. Since 2011, the National Museum and Whithorn Trust have had an agreement that promised to see more key loans coming to Whithorn in coming years. Indeed, this year the Traprian Law Silver Hoard items have been displayed under this agreement.

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“In 2015, it was planned to display the Carlingwark Hoard items, but the Trust has now been informed that, due to ‘capital works’ and lack of time for staff to arrange loans, the loan will not be forthcoming and 1 a 1 a whithorn trusttherefore the agreement will be broken.

“When NMS closed the National Museum of Costumes at Shambellie House last year, the Scottish Government promised an ‘improved offering’ from NMS to Dumfries and Galloway. It does not say much for that policy that the Whithorn Trust, which has resurrected itself so successfully in recent months, is snubbed in this way by the very institution that has pledged to support it with an annual loan.

“Quite simply, this is not good enough, and I have written to the Cabinet Secretary asking her to intervene and ensure that this agreement between NMS and the Whithorn Trust is upheld.”


Photos Copyright R .B Photography

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