A Pubwatch Seminar was held on Tuesday 25 November 2014 at Dumfries and Galloway Divisional Headquarters at Cornwall Mount in Dumfries. The seminar saw some 31 people, representing 23 licensed premises in the Dumfries and Annan area come together to hear presentations from a number of speakers in relation to issues which affect the licensed trade.

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Speakers included Mike Aldersey from the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service, Ricky Graham and Mary Irving, Licensing Standards Officers with Dumfries and Galloway Council, Stevie Carr and Ian Howie of the Stewartry Council of Voluntary Services, Gail Copeland, a Health Improvement Practitioner with NHS Dumfries and Galloway, and Detective Constables Andrew Hawes and Scott Jardine from Police Scotland.

Subjects covered on the evening included general fire and safety awareness, underage drinking and the Challenge 25 scheme for those who look under 25, an awareness of sectarianism and consequences of it in licensed premises, how to help counter the threat from terrorism, mental health issues and substance misuse current information.

The evening, whilst being instructive, was also an opportunity for those in the trade to debate issues and current concerns or trends with those experts who may be able to offer advice and guidance, or indeed with to others in the trade who have experienced similar issues.

Constable Audrey Johnstone of the Community Poling Unit in Dumfries said “I was delighted that 31 licensees and staff attended the evening. Pubwatch Online has seen a 50% increase in members over the past few months. The scheme allows each licensed premise to be able to communicate easier with other scheme members and Police Scotland to deter violence and antisocial behaviour both within, and directly outside their premises. This is a reflection on how committed licensees are in working in partnership in order to promote a safe environment for members of the public to meet and socialise.”

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