A group of older leaners made their first steps into the world of information technology thanks to a new community group – Learners Together. With the support of ‘Putting You First’ funding from the NHS and in partnership with Dumfries and Galloway Council the group organised a 10 week course aimed at giving older people IT skills and getting them started on line.

The nine participants who attended the course delivered at North West Resource Centre and gained skills in word processing, using the internet, email and working with images are looking forward to putting their knowledge to good use.
One senior learner said “We have to say how beneficial these past sessions have been. We appreciate the time and patience the tutor has shown to get us so far in such a short time.”
Anne Heads, Chairperson of Learners Together said “we are a new group providing learning opportunities for adults in Dumfries. We are keen to work creatively with partners to fill important gaps in provision. It was great to see how this group enjoyed the challenge of returning to learn.”
For more information please contact: Anne Heads, (Chairperson – Learners Together)
Tel: 01848 699366 or Email: [email protected]

Max Johnstone, Aida Alexander, Lorna Wilson, Nita Creighton, Janet Laidlaw, Rosemary Hush (Tutor), Barbara Johnstone, Helen Campbell, Nan McCrone and Anne Heads (Chairperson – Learners Together)

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