D&G Social Work facilities rated excellent, very good and good

A report to the Council’s Social Work Services committee (9 October 2014) will highlight inspections by the Care Inspectorate that have found a range of Council-run facilities to be ‘excellent’, ‘very good’, or ‘good’.

Newton Stewart Activity and Resource Centre scored ‘excellent’ for its quality of care and support, environment, staffing, and management and leadership.

The inspectors noted that the service provides excellent individualised care and is excellent at facilitating ways for the facility to be led by its members and that, as a result, there is a great feeling of partnership between its members and staff.

Stranraer Activity and Resource Centre scored ‘very good, for its quality of care and support, environment, staffing, and management and leadership.

The inspectors noted that the centre provides for a complex range of users’ needs, with details of service users who have communication needs identified in personal plans.

Annan Activity and Resource Centre scored ‘good’ for its quality of care and support, environment, staffing, and management and leadership.

The inspectors noted that users and relatives are happy with the services provided and that the centre is aware of users’ healthcare needs and that a broad range of activities and groups meet users’ needs.

Cairnryan House, Cairnryan (residential childcare) scored ‘very good’ for its quality of care, environment and staffing and ‘good’ for its quality of management and leadership.

The inspectors noted that Cairnryan House has a capable and experienced staff team, which provides a very good standard of care and works well to support young people to stay safe and maintain contact with their families.

Hardthorn Road, Dumfries (residential childcare) scored ‘good’ for for its quality of care and support, environment, staffing, and management and leadership.

Inspectors noted that staff have established a warm and welcoming environment and routines and expectations for young people, which provide clear boundaries while taking account of individual needs and wishes.

Newton Stewart Community Support scored ‘very good’ for its quality of care and support, staffing, and management and leadership.

Inspectors noted that the manager and staff have close and professional working relationships with users and that support work shows commitment and enthusiasm.

Councillor Jim Dempster, chairman of the Social Work Services Committee, said, “Protecting the vulnerable is a key priority of our Council. So I’m very pleased that we have achieved grades of excellent, very good and good. I’d like to thank and congratulate service users, staff, carers and partners who have contributed towards the services, improving the lives of some our most vulnerable people, and resulting in these favourable inspection reports.”


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