Dumfries & Galloway Trading Up


Market Opportunity!


Trade Exchange Update – Association of Trade and Industry – Western Granada, Spain

European Funding Programme LEADER, Dumfries & Galloway Chamber of Commerce, The Crichton Institute and Langholm Initiative are working in partnership on a project to form a group of businesses interested in an opportunity to expand their markets into Southern Spain. This project will provide access to these markets for traders acting as a group and provide coordinated support throughout the process. In terms of marketing alone participants will accomplish much more than could be achieved individually.

We have contacted businesses across Dumfries & Galloway and asked for an Expression of Interest to participate in a Trade Exchange and take advantage of new and diverse markets.

We have received positive responses from a number of businesses from across the region. The list includes those involved in textiles, cider production, furniture, a variety of food products and manufacturers producing jewellery, ceramics, glass and metalwork etc.

We have also received inquiries from a company who would like to import high quality Spanish goods and products.

There has also been a positive response from Spring Fling, representing 93 artists, designers and makers, and from Mumpreneurs Dumfries & Galloway, representing female entrepreneurs from across the region.

We have communicated news of the response in Scotland to the Association of Trade and Industry – Western Granada, Spain.

Our plan is to have a meeting with participating businesses in January 2014, when we will give information on how the exchange will progress and explain what support will be available for participants. At this time we hope to be able to include information about participating businesses in Spain.

We are also pursuing the development of a Quality Mark for businesses with the LEADER Group here in Dumfries and Galloway. This will be developed as a parallel project and will match a LEADER supported initiative in Western Granada.

Those interested in being involved are asked to contact Amanda Hannah at Dumfries and Galloway Chamber of Commerce on [email protected]

Trade Exchange – Expression of Interest Form

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