This evening March the 18th 2015 saw the Launch night of Guid Nychburris 2015 .

The full team of Principles for the 2015 Celebrations were introduced to Past principals , the press and other people involved with the event at the Municipal Chambers in Dumfries ! The Historical event is one of Dumfries towns biggest summer attractions , and has been celebrated by generation after generation. Riding the Marches maintains the tradition of an occasion that was, in it’s day, of great importance back when some Scottish communities were granted Royal Burgh status by the monarch . Dumfries has been a Royal Burgh since 1186 its charter being granted by King Robert III a move that insured the loyalty of its citizens to the Monarch.

The ceremony on Guid Nychburris Day, which falls on June the 20th this year follows a route and sequence of events laid down in the mists of time. Formal proceedings start at 7.30am with the gathering of upto 250 horses waiting for the courier to arrive and anounce that the Pursuivant is on his way, and at 8.00am leave the Midsteeple and ride out to meet the Pursuivant. They then proceed to Ride the Marches and Stob and Nog (mark the boundary with posts and flags) before returning to the Midsteeple at 12.15pm to meet the Provost and then the Charter is proclaimed to the towns people of Dumfries. This is then followed by the crowning of the Queen of the South.

The Proccession is led by the Cornet Elect and his principles who this year are Ross Hyslop, Cornets Lass Elect Amy Muirhead and Lynors Elect Ben McClymont,Jack Hastings,Phillip Middlemiss and Finlay Miller.
Cornet Elect Ross Hyslop, Cornets Lass Elect Amy Muirhead and Lynors Elect Ben McClymont,Jack Hastings,Phillip Middlemiss and Finlay Miller.
There are many other principles involved with the event including the singer , who this year for the first time is a lad and not a lassie , pictured below Alexander Maxwell

Other Principals involved are :-Ronan MacKinnon – Town DrummerEmma Irving – Bugler Ruth McGivern – ChaperonePatsy Pattie – Crowning Lady Ewan McCall – HalbardierJack Morrison – HalbardierTed Thompson – Provost Kenny McCall – Town Clerk John Martin – BaillieColin Smythe – Baillie John Caskie – Baillie Maureen Farrell – Baillie Rev. Maurice Boyd – Burgh Chaplain