Learners’ life chances improved by Dumfries High School

Education Scotland inspectors visited Dumfries High School in September 2019.The inspection team worked closely with pupils, parents and staff to find out how well young people are learning and achieving.

Inspectors evaluated leadership of change, learning, teaching and assessment, ensuring wellbeing, equality and inclusion, and raising attainment and achievement as ‘satisfactory’.

In a letter to parents, Education Scotland recognised strengths in the school’s work:
• The present senior leadership is an enthusiastic team which, along with staff, is working to improve the life chances of all their learners. The school’s core values of ambition and respect are a positive reference point for learners.
• Staff work well together to build relationships and increase the support for individuals and groups of young people. The aspects of equality and inclusion that are delivered through the S1-S3 curriculum are promoting a greater understanding of diversity and discrimination. This is supporting all young people.
• The partnership working enables young people to access a broader range of learning pathways. This includes Dumfries Learning Town and the rich opportunities offered to extend learning.

The Parent Council chair said “I’m delighted that Education Scotland recognises the positive impact that the headteacher and staff have on the young people. The report reflects the progress the school is making in moving forward together.”

Education Scotland has asked the school to continue working with partners to develop a shared improvement plan and to ensure a shared understanding of what high-quality learning and teaching looks like. Inspectors also asked the school to continue to improve attainment at all stages and to evaluate the impact of support given for those with barriers to learning.

Councillor Jeff Leaver, chair of the Education and Learning committee, said: “Providing the best start in life for all our children is a priority for our Council. So, I’m pleased with Education Scotland’s positive report on Dumfries High School. Thanks are due to all parents, carers, pupils and staff who contributed towards this.”
Ros Surtees, vice chair, said: “Education should open the doors to opportunities that enable children to become successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens, and effective contributors to society. So, it’s encouraging to see this positive inspection report on Dumfries High School. Thank you to all who worked to bring this about.”
Phil Cubbon, headteacher, said: I’m delighted that Education Scotland has recognised the improvements that have been made over the last two years. The inspectors commented on the young people’s willingness and enthusiasm for learning and praised the commitment and effort of the staff at Dumfries High School to improve the life chances of pupils and. The report gives Dumfries High School a platform to ensure further change and improvement. The school is looking forward to continuing to work with our partners in the community.”

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