Dumfries Monthly Pig Sale Report – August 2022

A smaller show of 81 pigs were forward at the monthly sale at Dumfries and met a similar trade to the last couple of months with regular and new buyers in attendance but caution still prevailing owing to the high input costs across the industry generally.

Quality was excellent with Large Black baconers from Argyll to £220 and Saddleback cutters from Jedburgh to £110 and £92 with other cutters & forward stores at £85, £80 and £70. Registered Berkshire gilt weaners from Broughton in Furness sold to £70 and a pen of exceptional Mangalitza cross five-week old weaners from Kirkby Stephen made £50 with Oxford Blues from Stirling at the same price.

The next Dumfries pig sale will be on Monday 5th September


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