Dumfries Museum Prepares for Burns Night

As Burns Night approaches, the team at Dumfries Museum have taken the opportunity to create a new display of Burnsiana. This means objects inspired by Robert Burns or featuring his image.

Chair of Dumfries and Galloway Council’s Communities Committee, Councillor Archie Dryburgh, said: “There is a lot of Burns material around – the image of Burns has appeared on all sorts of items, so it is really nice to see some of the museum’s collections on display here for the enjoyment of our visitors.”

The display was mainly created by Emilia Reid, Visitor Services Assistant at Dumfries Museum. Objects on display include Mauchline Ware, pocket poetry books, and some glass and China-ware. A recent donation, a wood carving of a scene from Tam O’Shanter, also features. This carving was donated by a Kirkcowan family who can remember it being displayed in their farmhouse since at least the 1960s.

“We are pleased that younger members of staff are taking the initiative to create new displays like this. January is the perfect time to visit the museum as well as Burns House and the Robert Burns Centre.” said Councillor John Campbell, Vice Chair of the Communities Committee.

Dumfries Museum is open Tuesday to Saturday 10am–4pm.
Burns House and the Robert Burns Centre are open Tuesday to Saturday, 10am–1pm, and 2–5pm.

All are free to visit. A free Burns Trail leaflet can also be collected from these venues to explore sites in Dumfries connected with Robert Burns.
For more details, see: www.dgculture.co.uk


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