Dumfries North West Community Campus Head Teacher Appointed

A headteacher from Northumberland has been appointed for the new North West Community Campus in Dumfries.

Derryth Hope comes to Dumfries and Galloway Council from Northumberland, where she was executive headteacher at Berwick Middle School.

There, she worked closely with feeder schools, chaired the headteachers’ partnership, organised staff training and development, and liaised with health, family support and social workers.

Derryth brings to the job 24 years of experience in education, having started out in Preston as a religious education teacher. She worked in Hertfordshire as coordinator of religious education and Bedfordshire as head of religious education. She moved to Huddersfield where she was head of humanities then an assistant headteacher and vice principal in Sheffield.

Married, with 2 step-daughters, Derryth has many pets and enjoys horse riding and dog walking. Her hobbies include cooking, baking, sewing, reading and running.

After being appointed, Derryth said: “I’m really excited about being headteacher for North West Community Campus. This is the high point of my career. I’m grateful to be given the opportunity to lead a brand new school in which the staff and facilities can have such a positive impact on our local community. I just can’t wait for the school to open.”
Councillor Jeff Leaver, chair of the Children, Young People and Lifelong Learning [CYPLL] committee, said: “Providing the best start in life for all our children is a priority for our Council. Dumfries Learning Town and the new North West Community Campus are truly exciting education projects. The appointment of the right headteacher for our new school is vital. Following a robust recruitment process, I’m confident that Derryth is the person to lead the school. She has the opportunity to have a positive impact on thousands of young people in the coming years.”
Ros Surtees, vice chair, said: “Education is key to opening up opportunities for all young people. Having toured the new North West Community Campus, I’m confident that this will be an outstanding education facility. I am sure that Derryth is the right person to lead the staff in maximizing the impact of the new school for the benefit of its community. I wish her every success.”

Photo link attached

Derryth Hall, headteacher, North West Community Campus on site with Councillor Jeff Leaver, chair of CYPLL committee and Councillor Ros Surtees, vice-chair