MSP for South of Scotland Emma Harper attended the Annan ACE Group meeting in The Usual Place, Dumfries on Thursday 28th July to pledge her support for the group. Emma visited the same group over 1 year ago and arranged with Lynda Cameron, Co-ordinator to return to meet and discuss issues that matter most to them.

ACE meetings are a chance for people with learning disabilities to meet and discuss issues affecting them.  ACE brings these issues to the attention of the Scottish Government and the NHS to overcome barriers and influence change.

Commenting on the meeting, Ms Harper said:

“I would like to thank Lynda Cameron and the ACE group for inviting me along to what was a very interesting and enjoyable meeting. I met with the group just over a year ago and now I am now in a position to offer my full support as an MSP in any way I can.

“Issues that matter most to them were highlighted, such as the recent reduction in support for learning in schools for persons requiring additional learning support. ACE group members believe support for learning is vital to help people with learning disabilities have a better school experience.


“An additional issue highlighted was the fact that adults with learning disabilities are keen to work in the community and certainly, enjoy doing paid work. They also want to have more meaningful things to do in their local communities and are keen to work and volunteer.

“Groups such as ENABLE and ACE help to facilitate this and are a fantastic source of support, or even just a place for people to make friends.


“Recently, the Annan ACE group completed a sponsored walk around the Everholm Running Track in Annan and as part of the Powerful Voices Together Group completed a sponsored walk around the David Keswick Centre to raise awareness and money for human rights. I commend the group for the work they are doing, and I have offered the ACE group my support and I am happy to participate in future sponsored walks and fundraising events.”


“Group chairperson Louise Boustead said “It is important that our MSPs who represent us talk to us and listen to what we have to say. ACE is an Active Community of Empowered People and we have plenty to say.  We are happy that Emma listened to us and will continue to work with us”

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