MSP Emma Harper Takes on Charity Walk for Scottish SPCA

The Scottish SPCA are delighted to receive support from Dumfries and Galloway MSP Emma Harper , who will be participating in a charity walk this Saturday (23 September) in Stranraer as part of the ‘Pound for Paws’ event.

Scotland’s animal welfare charity is running ‘Pound for Paws’ throughout the month of September and participants across Scotland have been organising events and racking up steps all in aid of Scotland’s abused, abandoned, and injured animals.

Scottish SPCA Chief Executive Kirsteen Campbell said, “The support we’ve received for Pound for Paws has been overwhelming.
“A volunteer, Michelle Graham, has organised a mini event in Stranraer called ‘Tails on Trails’ for family and four legged friends to take part.
“We’re delighted that this event has attracted wide support, including Emma Harper who has been heavily involved in our fight against the illegal puppy trade.
“Emma is taking part with her two dogs Riley and Maya (Holyrood Dog of the Year) and they’ll be walking three miles and participating in a raffle with all proceeds coming to the Society.”
South Scotland MSP Emma Harper commented, “I am delighted to be taking part in the Pound for Paws event this Saturday.
“The Scottish SPCA is such an important charity which depends on fundraising efforts.
“I would like to congratulate Michelle Graham on her efforts organising the event at Stranraer and very much look forward to taking part with my own rescue collies on Saturday.”

The Scottish SPCA receive no lottery or government funding and rely entirely on public donations. If you’d like to take part in Tails on Trails the group are meeting in the Galloway Community Hospital Car Park at 10am and everyone is welcome.


This week also the South of Scotland MSP Emma Harper has backed a campaign by Battersea Dog’s Home to increase the maximum custodial sentence for animal abusers.

The campaign to change the law would see the current maximum sentence of twelve months increased to five years.

The local MSP has campaigned on a range of animal welfare issues since her election last year – including efforts to ban puppy farming and trafficking.

Emma commented:

“Acts of animal cruelty are unacceptable, and we need to ensure that the law serves as a real deterrent.
“That is why the Scottish Government has announced a review of the penalties available for acts of abuse to animals.
“As a proud owner of three rescue dogs, I support a maximum five-year sentence for animal cruelty offences.
“Scotland is a nation of dog lovers and I believe this is something which should be reflected in our justice system.
“I have already replied to over 80 constituents asking my position on the matter, and urging me to support the campaign, which is great and I think displays how seriously the public take animal welfare.”

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