Exam Results Helpline offering support across Scotland

Thousands of young people can access dedicated exam results support when Skills Development Scotland’s (SDS) Exam Results Helpline opens on Tuesday 6 August.

The free* helpline from Scotland’s careers service offers advice, information and guidance for young people and their parents from 8am on results day.

Around 135,000 candidates across the country will receive their National, Higher and Advanced Higher results.

James Russell, SDS Director of Career Information, Advice & Guidance Operations, said: “If your results aren’t what you expected, don’t panic, you have lots of options.

Our careers advisers are here to help you and your parents and carers with information on all the options and opportunities on offer.” 

The dedicated SDS Exam Results Helpline will be open from 8am to 8pm on Tuesday 6 and Wednesday 7 August, and from 9am to 5pm weekdays from Thursday 8 until Wednesday 14 August.

The number to call is 0808 100 8000.

SDS careers advisers are at the end of the phone to help young people and their parents and carers.

The skilled professionals have unique access to information on UCAS course vacancies at UK colleges and universities, Confirmation and Clearing, advice about Modern, Foundation and Graduate Apprenticeships and jobs or volunteering.

James added: “This year we’ll also have advisers available through social media to answer queries if you find it easier to get in touch via direct messaging. 
“If you’d like to talk face-to-face, our careers advisers are available year-round in every state secondary school in Scotland and at SDS’s network of careers centres across the country.”  
Kathryn Aviss, SDS Careers Adviser said: “Working on the Exam Results Helpline is fast-paced and hugely rewarding. 
“We are able to support young people to take a step back and realise that no matter the results, they absolutely have options. 
“Emotions are running high when you get those results, we’ve all been through it and we really do understand. We can help you to take a deep breath and work out what’s next.” 
Joanna Murphy, National Parent Forum of Scotland Chair, said: “I know from my own experiences that the SDS Exam Results Helpline is a real lifeline. 
“Whether you’ve had unexpected results, or just want to talk over your choices, the advisers can talk you through the wide range of options available to you.  
“A calm conversation takes some of the heat out of the emotion of the day, and reminds young people no matter the results, there is always a next step.” 

To get in touch with the helpline via social media go to My World of Work on Facebook at facebook.com/myworldofwork or Twitter at twitter.com/mywowscotland

Results information and advice is also available on Scotland’s careers website My World of Work at myworldofwork.co.uk/examresults which has practical help and links to UCASSAASYoung Scot and the SQA.

For pupils going in to 5th and 6th year this August, there’s still time to choose a Foundation Apprenticeship alongside Nationals and Highers. To find out what’s available in your area go to apprenticeships.scot or speak to your SDS careers adviser.

Completing a Foundation Apprenticeship leads to a qualification at the same level of learning as a Higher (SCQF6). Assessment happens throughout the year so there’s no final exam.


*operator charges may apply

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