Expanding Primary School To Be Cut In Size To Make Way For Nursery

Dumfries and Galloway Council is under fire from a group of angry parents after they have come forward with plans to reduce Wigtown Primary School to 4 class rooms, despite presently having 5 classes, and using all 5 classrooms.

The plans are to convert two existing classrooms into a nursery and for the school to get the single old nursery classroom in return.

The role of the school has been steadily expanding over recent years, and this year is over 100 children (excluding the nursery) resulting in 5 classes.  However, the Council’s plans will permanently restrict Wigtown Primary to 4 classes, and as such, cap the school role at 100.

With houses under construction in Wigtown and planning permission granted by the Council for more homes, the school role is expected to continue to increase.  However, with the school being robbed of a classroom, children within the catchment could be restricted from attending the school in the future.

Parent Council Chair Kim Aitchison said “The Council are robbing the school to deliver on Government nursery obligations.  They are taking a valuable classroom away, which is presently being used, and stopping the school from being able to expand in the future.  Wigtown is a thriving town with the school at the heart of our community, and their plans to stifle our school are short sighted and ill-thought out.
“We all appreciate that the Council is under extreme financial pressures, as is evident from the broken windows, play equipment, antiquated plumbing within the school, but this is a step too far.  The nursery is supposed to deliver early learning and childcare for Wigtown and the surrounding area. But not at the expense of the very primary school these children will surely be expecting to attend, but there won’t be space for them all.
“Given the significance of these proposed changes on the School, parents and the community should have been consulted.  But we have been kept in the dark.  The Council’s plans must be put on hold, and allow a full consultation with all stakeholders to take place.”
DGWGO editor stated “ We have spoken to the council to ask them to respond to this article, but so far we have received no reply.”

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