1 a 1 a fm 2The Minister visited the Oasis Centre to meet young people from the Listen2Us project. The Listen2Us project seeks the views and experiences of looked after young people and care leavers across Dumfries and Galloway, providing them with the opportunity to design, shape, influence and improve the range of services they access and receive. This innovative project puts young people at the heart of the decision-making that influences policy. It aims to use the experiences of young people in a positive way, making a real difference for current and future young people.

Vice-chair of the Council’s Social Work committee, Ted Thompson, said “I’m pleased that the Minister had chosen to come and see first hand some of the brilliant work that is happening here in Dumfries and Galloway in relation to young people. We have made a number of commitments to ensure that we are providing the very best services. We introduced a Champions Board, chaired by our young people and putting them at the heart of our decision making. We continue to deliver high quality, essential services that people relay on every day. The Minister experienced some of these services for herself and seen what a difference we are making.”


Acting Minister for Children, Fiona McLeod said:
“I’m delighted I was able to visit Dumfries and Galloway to see first-hand the improvements in children’s services that have been made in the last year. I’ve been impressed 1 a 1 a fm3by the positive work done by council and enjoyed meeting those who have helped bring about these changes. This government is committed to supporting children and young people to reach their full potential and I’m pleased that local authorities share this commitment and are working hard to ensure Scotland becomes the best place for children to grow up.”

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