Firefighters Ready To Protect Communities On Bonfire Night

The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS) is working to ensure communities are protected on Bonfire Night amidst an anticipated spike in demand.

November 5 is traditionally one of the busiest nights of the year for the SFRS which last year responded to more than 500 bonfires over an eight-hour period following 1100 calls for assistance.Firefighters have been working closely with local authority partners and will tonight carry out joint patrols with police to share safety advice and support people to reduce the risks.

The national Service has also put tried and tested plans in place to ensure resources are effectively coordinated to protect communities where required.

Assistant Chief Officer Stuart Stevens is the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service’s Director of Service Delivery.

He said: “The Service is well resourced and prepared for Bonfire Night – which this year coincides with COP26 taking place in Glasgow – and we have robust measures in place to ensure we can continue to respond to emergencies.
“We are anticipating a spike in emergency calls and operational demand as we always do on what is traditionally our busiest night of the year, but rest assured we have tried and tested procedures in place to ensure we can respond where we are needed the most.
“Our staff will be out on patrol with police and local authority partners in areas across Scotland to engage with communities and pass on advice to anyone who is hosting a bonfire.
“These patrols will also be tasked with removing any dangerous materials which may be used as part of a bonfire to prevent potential injuries or damage to property.”
He added: “Our communities can help us during this busy period by considering the impact of their actions on others and emergency services.
“It is absolutely vital that we preserve the capacity to respond to other emergencies.”

Area Commander Libby Logan has also drafted in additional Operations Control Firefighters to meet the anticipated increase in emergency calls.

She said: “There is no question that this is one of our busiest nights of the year – but we prepare well in advance for the challenges that this occasion always brings and we are ready to respond.
“Our Operations Control team is highly trained and experienced in protecting communities and effectively acts as our Service’s unseen frontline – and tonight is no different.
“I would like to thank the team for their hard work and dedication and would ask everyone across the country to follow all key safety advice and really consider the potential impact of their actions on others.”

Those that choose to host their own events are strongly urged to follow the Fireworks Code which can be viewed here.

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