First COVID-19 Deaths Reported in Dumfries and Galloway  

It is with great sadness that NHS Dumfries and Galloway can confirm that the region has experienced its first deaths resulting from the COVID-19 virus. Due to the small number, we are not sharing any further details of these individuals in the interests of respecting their right to confidentiality.


Commenting on the situation, NHS Dumfries and Galloway Chief Executive Jeff Ace said: “Our thoughts are very much with the families and friends of those who have died.
“Sadly, we are expecting the number of deaths due to COVID-19 to increase significantly over the coming days and weeks.
“Please be assured that the region’s Health and Social Care staff, together with a range of partner organisations, are working to ensure that we do everything we can to reduce the impact of COVID-19 in our communities.
“The public can play their part too. By staying at home, you will limit the spread of the virus and help us save lives.”

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