Dumfries and Galloway Council Youth Worker Lee Vann-Wakelin contacted DGWGO this week to remind us about his annual festive ‘BUY ONE GET ONE FREE’ Christmas hamper idea to help out local families less fortunate than your own.

Lee Said ” It’s that time of year again, whereby you could really help a local family for pretty much nothing. For the next 8 weeks, every time you do a shop consider buying a BOGOF offer, or a 2 for the price of one offer.
When you get home, place one item in one box and the FREE item in a second box. If you have the luxury of being able to shop more often, or have the funds to put in more then one offer then feel free to do so.
At the end of the 8 weeks, literally just before Christmas, you will have two boxes, one you can open yourselves and enjoy as your own wee hamper of sweet and savoury goodies, the second, which remember has not cost you a penny, you could pass onto a family which needs just a little break this Christmas.
(Please, if you can not do this, it’s completely understandable, I am only putting this out there for those who wish to help.) Thank you (Last year people locally, nationally and even internationally did this to help lots of families.)
You may know the family you wish to help, and you can surprise them yourself by delivering the hamper or you could contact a local charity or food bank that could pass it forward for you.