DJs, deck chairs and the fabulous Fifties

1 a 1 a mrs greensIT was the time of the Race into Space; when European cinema was going through a bold renaissance; television celebrated its golden age; families played board games on cold winter nights; rock ‘n’ roll raised more than a few eyebrows; and the world of music kneeled to a King called Elvis.
Anyone who has fond memories of the Fifties should get over to Dumfries town centre on Saturday afternoon for a musical march and moreish munch down memory lane outside Mrs Green’s Tea Lounge.
DJs and deck chairs will be the order of the day between 1pm and 3pm in front of the popular Queensberry Street venue and shoppers can listen to music from the ’50s while enjoying a retro-style tea from the emporium of delicious food and all manner of cakey loveliness.
Take a look at what to expect:

On Sunday, Scottish story-teller John Wheeler and his Hatrick friends of jugglers, clowns, musicians, stilt-walkers and story-tellers will entertain the kids in Dock Park. John tells multicultural, inspiring stories of unlikely heroes and demons outwitted, Welsh legends, Sufi and trickster tales, creation myths and traditional stories of magical, wonderful things in an otherwise familiar world, sometimes spiced with music from the penny whistle.

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