1 a 1 a Dugals Friday Focus

Fiona McKean was inspired by “The Proclaimers” song “I will walk 500 miles” and the idea of walking 500 miles, on behalf of Cancer 1 a 1 a cancer rResearch UK was born.

Following discussions with family and friends a committee has been formed to hold the walk on Saturday 23rd August 2014, in conjunction with a day of entertainment based on “The Proclaimers” music and also featuring local talent.

The walk will start at 6am from the Mid Steeple and hopefully will be finished by 6pm. We are looking for 10 teams of 25 people each walking 20 miles (25×20=500 miles). For the less able a 20-mile stint could be divided into 2×10 miles or 4x5miles. Should individuals or groups of less than 25 wish to take part then we will allocate them to a team based on occupation, sport, hobby or some other common factor. A 5-mile route on pavements and pathways has been identified, a map of which will be available soon.

Each participant will be required to pay a £10 entry fee to cover administration costs and the cost of an event tee shirt, which each entrant will receive to wear on the day. We would ask each entrant to try to raise a minimum of £40 through sponsorship or some other fund raising effort.

If you are interested in taking part just leave a message on this link and they will get back to you as soon as they can.


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