Dumfries Historic Buildings Trust  announced earlier this week that they have managed to purchase the derelict Rosefield Mills situated on the side of the River Nith in the town. The sale was completed on Thursday 29th March 2018.

A spokesperson for the trust said “The Trust would like to thank the people of Dumfries and beyond, the volunteers of the Rosefield Mills Project Working Group, Dumfries & Galloway Council and everyone involved in supporting the project so far.
This is only the beginning of an exciting journey and opportunity for the creation of something special, attractive, accessible and of significant benefit to the community of Dumfries and the region.
We offer a Big Thank You for the overwhelming support to help reach this pivotal point in the project! The next stage will be the testing of options for the use of the building, and producing an Options Appraisal Report and Outline Business Plan to support funding applications to take the project into the Development Stage.”
They Continued “Please keep following us for updates on progress. You can continue to support us by raising public awareness and through donations to support the Trust and the Rosefield Mills Project.”

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