Solway Vehicle Enthusiasts Club Hold Gathering of the Clans Vehicle Show


The weekend of 22 and 23 April 2017 saw the annual Gathering of the Clans Vehicle Show at the Lockerbie Truck Stop, Johnstonebridge, Lockerbie, Dumfries and Galloway.  In addition to the established format, the event this year saw the inclusion of a social gathering pre-show with live music and entertainment.


Exhibitors began converging on the site early Saturday with the recognised Clan Master William ‘Braveheart’ Wallace in his airbrushed W H Malcolm Haulage truck leading a convoy of other vehicles into the show site.


Then began the earnest task of preparing the vehicles for display where a lot of polish and elbow grease was expended and only ceased when the failing light made further work impossible.


The evening’s entertainment commenced in O’Neil’s Bar and live music was provided by the band Heartbeat and a guest appearance from a tribute act to Mrs Browns Boys ensured that there was not a dry eye in the house.


Sunday morning started off early and found the exhibitors putting the final touches to their displays ahead of the judging and additional vehicles and machinery from far and wide made its way into the showground.


The Show proper started at 10.00 a.m. with the traditional road run which took a route to Leadhills then down through Thornhill to Penpont and Dunscore before heading for Dumfries and homewards to Lockerbie.  The afternoon was most enjoyable and the event proved very popular with the car park full to overflowing. In addition to the vehicle and machinery on display, and continuing their commitment to road safety, the Club had invited representatives from Police Scotland to come along.   They brought with them their Accident Simulator and explained the use of their Speed Camera technology both of which proved to be very popular.  The local Fire and Rescue Service were also on hand with their vehicle and staff and Lockerbie Pipe Band provided the musical interludes.


When judging was completed and winners decided the award presentation ceremony got under way.  Prizes were presented by Linda McCormick and Nikki burgess from Dumfries and Galloway Royal Infirmary Oncology Unit who graciously gave their time to the event.  The Best in Show Class was won by William Pringle  with the Scania wagon and drag combination A full list of the various Class Winners is not replicated here but has been posted on the Club’s Facebook page.

All in all, the Club experienced another fantastic weekend with £1150 raised and that total is set to increase when pledges are received.  This money will be combined with funds already raised by the Club and in line with its aims, disseminated to local charities and organisations in the fullness of time.

Details of the recipients of Club funding have been placed on the Club’s Facebook page and web site together with further details of other events it will be holding throughout 2017.  The Solway Vehicle Enthusiasts Club would like to take this opportunity to express its gratitude to all who provide support at their events.   As for the Gathering of the Clans Vehicle Show it is set to return in 2018 so keep watching for an update.


Many thanks again folks for your loyal support