Guest Blog – Glen Johnston


Glen Johnston is a young digital artist born in 1994 from Southerness. He has put his hand to many aspects of digital art such as 3D animation/renders, motion graphics, video editing, visual effects, 3D compositing and Photography. He originally became interested in digital art in early 2012 and cannot let a day go by without learning something new or creating art.

Growing up Glen found school frustrating and never felt motivated to learn. It wasn’t until he left school that he started craving education and realised that teaching himself came far more naturally. He took on many different disciplines from free-running and gymnastics to close up magic and hypnosis and still dabbles with them today. If Glen is out you will most likely find him at a bar with a pack of cards hustling a few drinks off a punter. After a while of jumping from one hobby to the next he found an online course in game design and enrolled in it. He found out quickly that this course was terrible and that the industry cared about talent more than qualifications and dropped out but from this course he found 3D modelling software and became addicted. Other disciplines like visual effects and film making quickly followed.

Drawing inspiration from science, philosophy, video games and other forms of art he tries to convey a message in his work – Be it the beauty of the natural world or that video games are awesome. There is a story behind every image which is something he feels digital art is lacking nowadays.

Currently attending Dumfries and Galloway college studying Creative Media. After gaining a few contacts and some helpful advice, he is pushing himself out there as a freelancer. Working with Smart-Indie Records creating animations, Lighthouse Leisure creating architecture visualisation. Local film clubs providing visual effects and music videos for bands and artists. He has a wide range of digital services for offer.

He is recently discovering the wide range of creative talent in Dumfries and Galloway and cannot wait to meet, collaborate and be inspired by other artists.

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Email: [email protected]


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