
Global Students Speak to Kirkcudbright Rotary Club

Rotary Global Scholars, Kayla Stovall and Carlyn Harris, who are both studying for a Masters Degree in Public Health at Edinburgh University, gave an inspiring presentation to the Kirkcudbright Rotary club last Tuesday evening.

Kayla from Dallas, Texas, is specialising in the social aspects of public health, whereas Carlyn from Phoenix, Arizona, is concentrating on epidemiology and, in particular, the increasing resistance of diseases to treatment by antibiotics. They also explained the Global Scholar programme in which they have to study one of Rotary’s six avenues of service: promoting peace; fighting disease; providing clean water, sanitation, and hygiene; saving mothers and children; supporting education; and, growing local economies. The keenness and dedication of these two students to the aims of Rotary was truly heart- warming.

As part of his introduction to the talk their host for the visit Mike Duguid reminded club members of the many Rotary Scholars who have presented to the club over the years and how the vast majority had gone on to do outstanding work in their communities and for Rotary.