Good Response To Community Testing Aimed At Addressing Covid Spike 

COVID testing has been taking place throughout the day in Langholm – with more spaces available over the next three days. 

A localised spike in cases has seen anyone living in the DG13 and DG14 postcode areas encouraged to come forward and be tested, whether or not they have symptoms of the coronavirus

Health and social care workers in the area are being included in this process

Tests at the Mobile Testing Unit are prior appointment by visiting or for those without access to the Internet by phoning 0800 028 2816.

Spaces today were filled very quickly. Spaces for testing on Sunday should become available at around 6.30 pm this evening, and everyone still looking to book is reminded that spaces will be available over the course of the next three days.

The approach being taken now in response to Langholm and Canonbie is only possible at this time due to an evolution of testing nationally, together with the population size and very localised geography of this spike.

Additional capacity has been secured on a limited basis for this very specific purpose.

The Scottish Government state this current arrangement has been preceded by successful trials at two other locations in Scotland where only people who were not experiencing symptoms were tested.

A spokeswoman said: “It is one more tool in our fight to reduce prevalence.”

The approach now currently possible in the relatively small communities of Langholm and Canonbie of testing people both with and without symptoms is described by the Scottish Government as an ‘evolution’ of what has gone before.

The testing is based at Kilngreen Car Park in Langholm, DG13 0JN, from 11 am to 4 pm from January 23 and January 26.

Tests at the Mobile Testing Unit will be by prior appointment only, by visiting


If you are not currently experiencing symptoms when arranging an appointment, please mark that you have been directed to receive a test.


If you do not have access to the internet please phone 0800 028 2816.


Details on the testing facilities available across Dumfries and Galloway are available by visiting the website This includes daily Mobile Unit Testing, fixed location testing in Dumfries, and the availability of Home Testing Kits.


If you are experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19 – raised temperature, a new continuous cough and change to or loss of sense of taste and/or smell then please immediately self-isolate and arrange a test.


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