Branching Out For The Future With A New Nursery For Hardgate Primary School

Hardgate Primary School, near Castle Douglas, Dumfries and Galloway playground is currently going through some major changes with a fabulous new nursery being built in their grounds.

This new build has come after years of campaigning and fundraising and they are very excited about the opportunities it will bring the school and of course the next generation of Hardgate Primary School pupils.

A spokes person from the School told DGWGO “To make the remaining playground a safer and more fun environment for the school pupils, we have been working with a Scottish charity called ‘Grounds for Learning’. Together we have come up with numerous ideas to improve the remaining area, to provide a fun, social, educational and healthy area for the kids to play, on a very limited budget. It is hoped that the playground will be used and enjoyed by the whole community.”
They Continued “To kick off the playground project, the Parent Council are holding a ‘Playground Makeover Fun Day’ on Saturday 22nd April from 10am-4pm and would welcome anyone’s help on the day. They will require labour for planting, weeding, joinery skills, general tidying, building, carrying, cleaning, people to entertain kids with some outdoor crafts and people to pour tea too! Everyone is welcome to get involved – come armed with some tools (if you have them), a packed lunch and bundles of enthusiasm!”


As the school is also celebrating its 150th anniversary this year, they will be commemorating the occasion by asking Mrs Chrissie Smith from the village to plant a tree donated to the school, in their anniversary garden.

We look forward to seeing everyone then.

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