Have Your Say On Adult Learning

If you are involved in delivering or participating in Adult Learning and wish to shape future Policy, then Scottish Government, Education Scotland and the CLD Standards Council want to hear your views.

Dumfries and Galloway Council has secured an opportunity as part of the national engagement programme to host a consultation event linked to developing a new Adult Learning Strategy for Scotland. This exciting opportunity will take place on Tuesday 17 March 2020 at The Bridge, Dumfries. Registration starts at 10am with the session taking place between 10.30am and 12.30pm.

Councillor Andy Ferguson, Chair of the Council’s Communities Committee highlighted;
This is a fantastic opportunity for our communities to get involved and highlight the vital role that Adult Learning plays in building confidence, employability and developing skills for work and life.”
Vice Chair of the Communities Committee, Councillor John Martin stated;
“I would like to thank Scottish Government, Education and the CLD Standards Council for giving Dumfries and Galloway the opportunity to host this event and ensuring that our local input can help shape national policy.”

Registration for the event is available through Eventbrite at https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/adult-learning-collaborating-for-improvement-regional-events-dumfries-tickets-91356221919

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