Public Event to Unveil Results of Health and Social Care Survey

RESULTS of a public survey into health and social care needs within Moffat and the surrounding area are set to be published next week.

Dumfries and Galloway Health and Social Care Partnership undertook the survey from November 2017 to March 2018 – inviting people and organisations to submit views on how best to meet the health and social care needs of local people.

A survey was distributed, and verbal feedback collected at a series of public events.

These views have been collated and will now be presented in the form of a report at a public event held at Moffat House Hotel, Moffat, on May 30 from 1.30pm to 6.30pm.

Health and Social Care Locality Manager for Annandale and Eskdale Gary Sheehan said: “We’re very grateful to everyone who contributed to the feedback we received through this survey.
“The event next week will be an opportunity to look at these results, and we’d very much encourage anyone with an interest to come along.”

Copies of the report will be available on the day and after the event from the Town Hall, from GP surgeries and Moffat Hospital, as well as electronically on

The event will also offer the opportunity to learn more about new and innovative models of care such as Extra Care Housing which Loreburn Housing Association are planning to bring to Moffat in the future.

Presentations will be delivered at 2 pm, 4 pm and 6 pm, with refreshments available throughout the afternoon for attendees.

There will also be information available about aids and adaptations which can support people to stay independent for longer, and people will have the chance to ask questions about local health and social care provision.

In the next few weeks a group of local stakeholders comprising a balanced mix of staff, patients/carers, community, voluntary and independent sector representatives from across Health and Social Care will be established.

The members of this group will be selected from those who have been involved or expressed an interest in being involved during the engagement process.

The stakeholders will be asked to use the report and any supporting information to identify options which would improve service provision locally.

The Scottish Health Council are providing advice and support to the process for engagement in Moffat and Beattock.

Annandale and Eskdale Locality Manager Gary Sheehan said: “We want to work co-productively in Moffat and Beattock, in a true partnership with professionals, people using services, their families and their neighbours.”
“We firmly believe in this ethos and that by working in this way, both services and communities will benefit.”

Social Care Integration Officer Dennis Cameron from Third Sector Dumfries and Galloway will independently facilitate this event and will be taking the lead in respect of the stakeholder group.

Dennis said: “Over the next few months we will be working with people in Moffat and the surrounding area in a genuine and equal partnership to help to make sure local Health and Social Care Services meet the needs of the people who live and work there.”

The drop-in event from 1.30 pm to 7 pm on May 30 at Moffat House Hotel is open to everyone to attend, with no advance booking required. There will be presentations at 2 pm, 4 pm with a shortened version at 6 pm.

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