
Huge Success For Emma’s Defibrillator Campaign

After only just one month, all funds needed for wee Emma’s campaign have already been raised. This whole town effort has meant that the target has been smashed – raising a phenomenal £33,251!!!

Because of this amazing effort, ALL 22 schools – Heathhall, Locharbriggs, Loreburn, St Andrews, St Michael’s, Georgetown, Noblehill, Lincluden, Laurieknowe, Calside, St Teresa’s, Brownhall, Cargenbridge, Carrutherstown, Nethermill, Carlaverock, Holywood, Dunscore, Shawhead, Collin, Lochrutton, and Duncow – will soon receive a defibrillator with a 7-year warranty, a set of pads and batteries, plus an AED prep kit (scissors, etc.)

Access to a dedicated maintenance fund (ring-fenced by the DH9 Foundation), ensuring schools can replace pads and batteries as needed – estimated at £400 per school for two sets of pads and batteries.

And just to note: Troqueer Primary will also benefit from this fund for their new defibs, bringing the total to 23 schools!

This means all of the primary schools in Dumfries and the surrounding areas will now be equipped with these life-saving devices – at NO cost to them! In the schools their children, staff, parents, contractors, visitors, family members and friends will be protected for many, many years to come. What an impact! What a legacy that’s been built together!

Emma states “It has been an emotional, heartwarming, and utterly remarkable journey. In such a short time, weve acheived something monumental and words can’t fully express my gratitude. To every individual, business, group, and school who supported this campaign in memory of wee Emma Ross – THANK YOU. Whether you donated, shared the campaign, bought a ticket, sent a message, or offered a kind word – YOU made this happen. It’s a testament to the strength and heart of our community. Our Town. We should all be incredibly proud of what we’ve done. I know I certainly am. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. You made a difference. WE DID IT!!!
All 22 defibs have already been ordered and they will be distributed out to all the 22 schools after the October holidays.
The Go Fund me page is now closed.