Improvement Works On Stranraer Museum To Start In The New Year

Stranraer Museum is scheduled for substantial improvements and in a significant step forward WH Kirkwood has recently been appointed as principal contractor. The firm has the specialist experience of historic building work that the repairs to this Grade A Listed Building require and bring a wealth of experience to the project.

The appointment will enable construction work to go ahead in the new year substantially improving the condition and appearance of one of Stranraer’s most important historic buildings. WH Kirkwood will be working in partnership with the Council’s project team to deliver a first-class scheme of works based on best practice in historic building conservation.

The work is being enabled by funding from Historic Environment Scotland as part of Stranraer Conservation Area Regeneration Scheme (CARS) project along with funding from Dumfries and Galloway Council and will include comprehensive work to the exterior as well as improvements inside the building. Repairs will include work to the roof, masonry, windows and doors along with upgrading of the building’s drainage and heating systems.
The investment in one of Stranraer’s key historic buildings will benefit the whole community and will make a valuable contribution to improvement of the town centre. The work will also enable the important educational and cultural service the Museum provides to continue in the future. The Museum service complements the tourist offer of the wider area and encourages people to spend time in Stranraer town centre with the associated economic benefits this brings.

In preparation for construction work starting in the new year, the Museum will close on 19th November to allow the valuable collection it houses to be safely stored for the duration of the works. The Castle will be open for events linked with Stranraer’s Christmas programme and the Museum service will arrange virtual exhibitions over the temporary closed period as well as taking advantage of the opportunity to refresh the local history exhibitions on the ground floor.

The programme for construction work is currently being finalised and more information will be provided as soon as details are available. While there will be some unavoidable impacts on traffic movement during the course of the work, this will be kept to an absolute minimum and advance notice will be provided.

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