
Results Of D&G Inclusive Park Survey Are In

Initial results from Dumfries and Galloway Council’s recent consultation on Inclusive Play are now available on their website.
Over 900 people took part in the survey, with a further 93 taking part in 6 focus group sessions, designed to highlight the views of those with a specific interest in the subject.

Chair of the Council’s Communities Committee, Andy Ferguson, said;
“It’s great to see such a high level of response to the survey. The initial results indicate where general public opinion lies, but comments submitted to the focus groups give further detail and refinement, especially with respect to the ancillary facilities which are needed for a truly inclusive play experience.”

The public response suggested that the most popular locations for inclusive play parks in the three towns would be: Newington Park, Annan; Dock Park and Catherine Street Play Area in, Dumfries and Agnew Park and Stair Park in Stranraer. Further analysis of the responses, particularly those from people with disabilities and carers, and of the key stakeholders involved in focus groups will take place prior to the September report.
The public were also asked to say what, apart from equipment, were the key requirements of an accessible park. The top three choices were: enclosed play areas; accessible park furniture; and specially adapted toilet facilities. The public also felt that nearby car parking and good access from main roads were important.

The survey also asked the public to express their views on the types of equipment preferred. These were, in descending order: physical play equipment (which helps children use energy, improve balance and co-ordination and move more), interactive equipment (which improves children’s social skills) and sensory equipment (designed to stimulate senses including touch, sight, hearing and movement).

The Vice-Chair of Communities Committee, John Martin added;
“The initial analysis of the online survey, as well as the feedback from the focus groups, has highlighted the need to look at facilities such as parking, access and toilets in planning inclusive play. Andy and I have therefore asked officers to look at options and indicative costings to enhance existing facilities from within operational budgets, in addition to the provision being made for new facilities.”

All findings from the consultation will inform a report to the Councils Communities Committee on Tuesday 5 September 2017. This report will include recommendations on the way forward for investment in inclusive play areas in Annan, Dumfries and Stranraer.
The initial feedback can be found HERE

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