Injured Woman Rescued Near Criffel Summit

At 6.10PM on Wednesday 31 July 2019 Police Scotland requested the assistance of Moffat Mountain Rescue Team to assist the Scottish Ambulance Service with the rescue of a lady who had a lower leg injury near the summit of Criffel Hill near Dumfries.

18 team members attended along with anambulance, local police and a Coastguard helicopter from Prestwick.

Members of the team climbed the hill close to the Summit while Rescue 199 lowered a
paramedic by winch to the scene and with members of the rescue team transferred her to a
stretcher ready to be winched into the helicopter. Once ready the helicopter winched the
casualty on board whilst mountain rescue team members controlled the “hi line” to prevent
the stretcher spinning in the air.

The helicopter transferred the casualty to Dumfries and Galloway Royal Infirmary. The team
wish the lady a speedy recovery.

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