South of Scotland MSP Emma Harper lead a debate in the Scottish Parliament this week (Wednesday 10th May) marking International Nurses Day which falls tomorrow May 12th – the anniversary of Florence Nightingale’s birth.


The debate celebrated the invaluable work of nurses in Scotland. As a degreed, Registered Nurse and member of the Royal College of Nursing who has worked in hospitals in NHS Scotland, NHS England and in the United States, the SNP MSP understands first-hand the difference that dedicated nurses make to the healthcare system.


Each year a theme is presented and this year’s them is A voice to lead – Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.



Commenting ahead of the debate, Emma Harper said:


“The work of nurses is invaluable to NHS Scotland. They provide autonomous and collaborative care for people of all ages, from individuals, to families, and to whole communities. The services that they provide are essential to all stages of healthcare, from promotion of health and prevention of illness to the care of people who are ill, disabled, and who are dying. Nurses here in Scotland and across the world do excellent work every day, balancing these demands with equanimity.
“In addition, these dedicated individuals promote a safe environment for patients and help make our hospitals more comfortable. They defend patient interests through advocacy, medical research, and the shaping of health policy and education.
“I am thankful to our nurses in NHS Scotland and nurses across the world and I am delighted to have the opportunity to support them by leading this debate on International Nurses Day.”

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